Monday 16 November 2020


Wow - or should I say WOYWW - it's years since I joined in with Julia's blog and I recently found it again whilst commenting as a Design Team member for something else - isn't it great the way the connections run with the internet.  I hope you are doing well Julia xx 

I thought it would be fun to join in again and see what everyone is doing - and whether it is all Christmas stuff on their desks.

I'm in a real Mixed Media frame of mind lately enjoying the lovely goodies from Tim Holtz and finally knowing how to use them all since watching his Facebook Live videos.  I've been a fan of his for over 15 years but didn't always know what I was doing and whether I was using them in the right way.  I love the way he says just be you and create your own thing and I've had a great time just doing that.

Here are some Christmas backgrounds for tags I'm working on - I'm a sucker for reindeer so his new thinlets were a must for me - I also cut them and use them as stencils so getting a double whammy.


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