Monday 21 November 2022

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....

My favourite time of the year to craft is Christmas.  Every year I find new Christmas products that I just have to have and I love all things vintage and Tim Holtz at Christmas.

Here are a couple of projects I've recently made both very different styles.  The first is a Tag as I love making Tags too

I've used Tim Holtz products on this tag apart form the reindeer papers which were from my stash and the Believe die which is from Hot off the Press.

I'm adding this tag into the following challenges:

Christmas Card Throwdown - Santa and Friends 
Stamping Sensations - Christmas 
We love Stamping - Christmas 
Jingle Belles - Inspired by their banner 
Try it on Tuesday - Traditional Christmas 

My second card is a complete contrast to the tag above.  I've used the lovely Pinecone stamp set by Tracy Evans and made it into a watercolour card with very soft stamping.  All inks are Tim Holtz Distress Oxides.  I wanted it to have a very wintry feel and I really think it worked.  There is snow added with paint to the top of the branches and the pinecone and a smattering of Spectrum Noir Sparkle pen to make it shine.

I'm adding this into the following challenges:

Allsorts - Trees and Leaves
Less is More - Outside 
Inkspirational - the wintry feel of their image 
ABC Christmas - W for White snow 
The holly and Ivy - Christmas AG 


Dena J said...

Gorgeous use of this pine branch image, Fiona! Many thanks for sharing your project at Allsorts and playing with the Trees & Leaves option.

Sid said...

Hi Fiona, thanks for playing along at 'Less Is More' with your fab card. However there seems to be little 'white space' to be truly CAS which is a requirement of LIM ..... Sid xx

Ink Outside The Box With Diane said...

I’m a big fan of Tim Holtz as well! Need to hide my credit card when he releases new products. Lol! I love the watercolours in your card. Delighted to have you join us at Krafty Chicks Challenge for CAS week.
Diane - DT

brenda said...

A super Santa on the tag, thanks so much for sharing at our November themes at Stamping Sensations and We Love Stamping challenges. Great second card for Allsorts, one of my fav A&C's, but I cold be biased!

B x

Kathyk said...

Super make


crafty-stamper said...

Fabulous Christmas tag and love the Vintage Santa image.Thank you for joining us at Stamping Sensations
Carol DT x

HilaryJane said...

Great traditional image of Santa on your tag, thanks for sharing it with us at we love stamping this month xx

Lucinda said...

Both beautiful! Thanks for playing along at 52CCT this week.

Linby said...

Your pine cone looks like a little work of art - beautifully done. Great tag too.
Thanks for joining us at Allsorts challenge.

Fabiola said...

c'est un très beau tag Fiona, chic et élégant, merci de jouer avec nous chez 52CCT, biz

Fabiola said...

et merci aussi de jouer avec nous chez ABC Christmas Creations, biz

SmilynStef said...

love the layers and fun little Jingle Bell ... thanks for joining our Banner-inspired holiday at Jingle Belles.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Both beautiful cards, but our challenge card, Santa is such a happy tag and lovely work. Thank you so much for joining us in our challenge at We Love Stamping. Good Luck and looking forward to seeing you again in our next challenge.
Faith A DT

Meggymay said...

A fantastic Christmas tag, super images and details. Thank you for linking with us at Try it on Tuesdays.

Mrs.B said...

A fabulous tag, this is one of my favourite Santa images.
Thanks for sharing at Try it on Tuesday.
Avril x

lauren bergold said...

Such an beautiful and artful card and you've used so many of the elements from our Jingle Belles blog banner beautifully! Thanks for joining our fun this fortnight!

Valérie said...

Beautiful card and tag. However, we'd love to see a little bit more white space on your card to be considered as CAS but thank you for sharing your beautiful creation at Less is More. Hugs, Valérie

Mummylade said...

Thank you so much for joining us at ABC Christmas challenge