And this was her on her 18th.

Anyway - I digress - my post this morning is to provide you with the much requested recipe for Welsh Cakes or Teissen Cymraeg as they are also known:
Sorry its all in lbs and ounces but I'm not a metric girl!
8oz plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 tsp mixed spice
2oz butter or margarine
2oz lard
3 oz caster sugar
2oz currants (soak them in cold tea to plump them up)
1 egg, beaten
2-3 tablespoons milk
Sift flour baking powder and spice then add butter and fat and rub in. Add sugar and fruit. Beat 1 egg and mix in - add just enough milk to form a soft dough - turn out and cut into rounds about 1/4" thick. Cook on a heavy pan or griddle over a medium heat turning as necessary until cooked inside and out about 4 mins each side. Sprinkle with caster sugar if liked - best eaten on the day of being made.
You can also do Teisen Dinca - Apple Welsh Cakes:
Make up dough as above but add 6oz grated cooking apples (granny smiths in US) before adding egg. This makes a wet dough so you may not need as much milk.
Let me know if you have a go and what you think of them x
The theme over at SPA this week is Illusion - this had me stumped so I did a bit of googling and found some fabulous images. This one was one of my favourite - I have no idea who it is by so can't credit them. Isn't it gorgeous? There was another lovely one I found with birds and a tree.

I'm not a great free hand drawer but thought I'd give it a go - I think my lady's face is slight too thin. I think she looks like one of those old fashioned harsh teachers. Lol! I enjoyed this chance to do something completely different for me.
Hi Fiona, Happy Birthday to your darling daughter - what a beautiful young woman, which I guess she gets from you too:0) I'm sure she felt strange too not being at home for her birthday.
This children growing up lark seems to happen so quickly, doesn't it? Sometimes I'd just like to stop the clock for a while and just enjoy.
Your Welsh Cakes look and sound yummy, thanks for the recipe. I might get my DD Hope to have a go, she loves doing that kind of thing.
That illusion face is fab, I like how you've added the flower at the bottom to stand out.
Have a lovely weekend.
Hi Fiona
I'm so glad Livi's birthday is in August!!! Sure you've spoken on the phone or as my mum still likes to do (!) - sung happy birthday down the phone!!!
Another recipe to try out! Thankyou :)
I love both versions of the face.
Have a great weekend....
Love Karenx
So lovely!
What a happy day! That recipe looks yummy!
I loved seeing the pics of your daughter on her sunny, beautiful birthdays...and Figaro is very handsome, indeed!
May I ask how she liked her painting? I'm hoping she loved it :)
My best to you both,
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