I was so thrilled to receive the Stylish Blogger Award from Elizabeth - I feel as though I've been out of the crafting loop for a bit and its such a boost to know that someone actually likes what I do.
Its still very cold outside but look..........spring must be on its way .......all they need is a bit of sun to encourage them a bit further ........
and I just spotted the hellebores nestling amongst the greenery trying to be all spring like
and here's a spring chicken of a different kind - lol - hubby rarely makes it on to my blog but today he was out sprucing up his pride and joy ready for 1st April. This also happens to be his birthday - and the big 50 this year - and this car was his 21st birthday present - yes we've had it all these years - for a long time I was an MG widow! lol! Its all original and only comes out in summer - but last year it didn't get an airing so is long overdue.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend. We're off to take the dogs out for a nice long walk - although my oldest one Tara is not happy about walking at the moment. Then we may pop into our village pub just to warm up by the fire before coming back for Sunday roast - isn't that what Sundays should be about?
Ha, great shot of your man with his other love! One of the Crop group gals is immersed (with herDH) in the local MG owner's club, I wonder if you've met!
we have a whole load of snowdrops out - nearly called my daughter Snowdrop as they were the first flowers i was brought after she was born (shes so glad I didnt!) Hope you had a nice Sunday roast... we didnt have one today, (someone was too busy making a mess with paints and inks to get her bottom into gear in time), besides roasts on a Monday are much nicer arent they? Carolinex
Congrats on your award....
Nice to see your other half featuring on your blog!!!! Love the car:)
I had a green midget (on loan) once for about 6 months - summer ones!!!! It was fab - though once the indicator stick fell off!
I am so looking forward to spring - its so miserable here today I feel like I am constantly hunching! Yoga this afternoon so that should get my shoulders away from my ears!!!!
ps I finished my project I started when you came over.... thanks for the push!
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