Monday 10 May 2010

my mum

I lost my darling mum Dorothy on Friday 7th May after a short illness - she was 86 - she died two days after my birthday. I want to be able to ring her up and speak to her but I can't - how awful it was for me on Saturday to find a message she had left for me on the phone when she was still fine only a month ago.

I've also had to bury my old cat today - we had to take him to the vet as he looked poorly and there was nothing more we could do so we had to have him put to sleep - he was 17 and the best cat I have ever had but did he have to choose this weekend? Maybe mum wanted a companion!


Barb said...

Oh Fiona... I am so sorry for your loss.

Sian said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your mum and cat, sending you loads of hugs.

Carole said...

Fiona, I am so very sorry for the losses you've experienced.

Having lost my own mother so very long ago, I know how hard it is.

And the loss of of a feline friend is never easy.

I'm sorry that you've had to deal with both in such a short time.

My thoughts are with you.

Starry said...

Fiona, I can only imagine what you are feeling over both your mum and your precious pet. If it is any comfort I believe in the quote 'life is but the childhood of our immortality'. It still is terribly hard to be the one who stays behind.
take care of yourself, be kind to yourself, as you grieve may you also find peace and comfort.

Heavens2Betsy said...

So very sad Fiona to hear of your two such recent losses. I am sorry for your pain. I hope these two, dear to you, will keep each other fine company. Penny x

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh Fiona I'm so sorry; if I can offer diversion or sdistraction at any time, please let me know.

jaine drake said...

I'm so sorry for you Fiona. I'll be keeping you in my prayers.
Take care.

Leah's Art Magic said...

So, sorry for your loss.

