Monday, 18 January 2010

We're on B on inchy challenge

We're up to B this week on inchy alphabet challenge - here's my B for Beauty

I came down with a rotten cold yesteday so spent most of the day in bed with DH doing a lovely roast beef dinner for us all. Still not feeling 100% today yet and the dogs are looking so forlorn wanting a walk. At least as pup is still so small she can't walk miles yet and the garden is good for burning off her energy - but its not the same as a formal walk. Hopefully I'll be up and about more tomorrow.


K J D said...


Hope you feel better very soon...

I love your inchy - the colours are gorgeous, I am wondering what the background is? Tissue? (That is not meant to be funny!)

Hope you gets lots of tea and sympathy...

Lots of love


ps pat on the back for 'DH' for the Sunday dinner!

JaN's ArTy JouRneY said...

Beautiful 'B' Inchy Fiona.

I hope you feel better soon!

Jan x

Julia Dunnit said...

How can it be B already, I only just planned A!!
Hope you feel beter soon F, will do a greedy double A/B post later!