Monday 2 November 2009


As its Bonfire Night here on 5th November in the UK - our challenge over at Inchy challenge blog is Fireworks. I've done the Catherine Wheel as its one of my favourites so I thought I'd see if I could find out where it got its name. Wish I hadn't bothered - apparently it was named after an instrument of torture, the breaking wheel, upon which St Catherine was martyred. Hmm, not so nice.

I thought you might like to see a picture of a new addition to the Whitehead household - puppy! She is a Welsh Springer Spaniel and will be ready to come to us on 13 December. She's not really for Christmas - definitely for life! - its just so happened that's when one has come available. We thought we didn't quite have enough pets what with 3 cats, a dog and a horse!!! Isn't she gorgeous - We're all busy trying to decide on names for her? Any suggestions????


Its a while since I've been joining in with the challenges - but TMTA sparked my enthusiasm this morning with their theme of BROWN - I love the colour brown in all its nuances - I've used all Stampin Up stamps and supplies for this ATC. I just love this pheasant and have used him lots of times already - he lends himself really well to embossing!

The Challenge over at Mixed Media Monday this week is Opposites Attract - I used a Cherry Pie stamp here


johanna said...

wonderful pheasant card!

and your puppy, oh my, give him a hug...

Sandy said...

Oh what a darling puppy. Love them.

Your ATC is fabulous.

Willy said...

Love your cat card for MMM!

Femmy said...

beautiful cards!!

ellie said...

cute kitties!

Faye said...

I love both your ATCs, The one of the cats is really my favorite. I love the new pup, too, and wish I could hold him.

AliMayes said...

Love the cats and as for the puppy - she just looks like a little furry sausage!

Crafting Queen said...

Love the puppy and great projects. Love the one with the cats. Anesha :-)

peggy gatto said...

I love them all!!!!
And of course puppy who is a lovely shade of brown!

Nancy B said...

Love that puppy! I suggest Bess for her name.
Your ATCs are lovely and I especially love the cat ATC. I think you are trying to catch up with me on pets. We have 4 cats, a dog, two horses and a goat!

Hermine said...

Lovely artwork and what a cute little puppy!!!

*jean* said...


Diane said...

The piece you did for the MMM challenge is gorgeous, I love that Cherry Pie stamp! Your new addition is adorable! Diane

Barbara Hagerty said...

Oh, Fiona! I'm in puppy LOVE! What an adorable little thing!! I want to reach right in and cuddle him!!

I LOVE your cats for MMM, too....but that puppy...can't get his adorable picture out of my head!!

Amy said...

aw, what a sweet puppy!! Love your 'brown' cards...

JaN's ArTy JouRneY said...

Great theme for inchy challenge, and great firework.
Your challenge cards are lovely, and so is that cute little puppy!! Awww so sweet!

Yvonne said...

Superb card!

I love your puppy too.

Laura Haviland said...

Fiona love the puppy and your great cards.
Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind words.
Your blog is lovely.
Happy creating, Hugs Laura.

stampingwitch said...
