... I have my main computer up and running again - although it is a little slower than the laptop its easier to use so no excuses for not posting more.
On Friday I spent a lovely couple of hours with Karen MissyK who I met through my inchy challenge blog - we discovered we live not far from each other and have met up in Winchester for coffee on a few occasions- but on Friday we decided to go a bit further and visit Jane Austen's House and Museum in Chawton. The weather was glorious and it was so nice wandering around the house and the gardens - afterwards we popped over the road for a lovely lunch in a little tea shop which had gorgeous china tea cups hanging from the ceiling. Hmm - where shall we go next?
On to the Inchy challenge blog and we're up to the letter U - mine is a Unicorn - someone asked if he is a goat with a horn - but the stamp comes from a collection of Magical Signs and Symbols which I bought when I lived in Texas. The boxed set also has a book with information on all the signs and for the Unicorn it tells us that, although now dismissed as a fairy tale, in medieval Europe it was widely accepted. Some think it was a misunderstood rhino or narwhal - some think it was hunted into extinction. The unicorn was said to be faster and fiercer than a horse but of a trusting nature. His noble nature and strength caused the unicorn to be adopted as the emblem of British royalty in the 15th Century.