Monday, 18 October 2021


Finally after many years of trying and a full 10 months of turmoil with buyers pulling out we finally made our move back home to Wales.  We are in such a beautiful part of the country and can't wait to get settled and explore.  I have already joined the local WI and will be starting Welsh conversation classes next week.  

Some of my craft stuff has been unpacked but I haven't yet had the time to get inky - I'm sure it will come soon.  I have had to make the difficult decision to resign from some of the Design Teams I've been on for many years.  They have been invaluable to me over the years for inspiration and mojo.  I also find my crafting has changed over the last few months and cards are not my number one priority at the moment.  I'm getting more out of journaling and mixed media but they are not always something I want to share with the world just yet so my blog may go a bit quieter.

Here are some photos of our new place in Wales


  1. Sorry to see you are leaving Fiona but as you say times and tastes change and life goes on.Glad you are finally back home where you wanted to be and looks like a beautiful area
    carol x

  2. What a lovely new place Fiona! Good luck in your new home. Marjolein

  3. So lovely to see pics of your new home Fiona. Wishing you all the luck and love to settle and make this place your new home. Hope you find your feet and a new circle of friends quickly. I know it took us a while when we moved from the UK back to New Zealand. 13 years away from home and we moved back to a different city than the one we left! So it was all new and took a while to settle, but we're so happy now. Hugs, Wends xoxo

  4. Hi Fiona, gorgeous views you have there! Congratulations on the new home and I hope you have many happy years there.


  5. Congratulations on being where you need to be, Fiona! We will miss you on our Design Team at Try Stamin on Tuesday! Maybe when you get the card creation urge you can use our sketches to inspire you, and then share them with us! Enjoy your new challenges with your move to Wales! -Donna
