Wednesday, 1 February 2012


Happy Imbolc to those of you who know what it is - Happy Groundhog day to those of you who call it that and Happy Candlemas day to those who call it that. A spring festival to help us emerge from the depths of winter. Throw those windows open - brrr here in the UK this morning - and let the fresh air in. Get out that broom (!) and sweep away the cobwebs. The original Spring Clean day!

You'll find lots more about Imbolc and some recipes over on my other blog

I'm going to attempt to do some scrapbooking today - wish me luck. I have a printer which won't print and in this digital age I need to get some photos off my computer! grrrr!!!


  1. Hi Fiona

    Happy Imbolc to you too!

    I've never heard of it.... will 'follow' your other blog to find out more. Sounds like a really good project.

    I'm going to Southampton today with a friend.... no spring cleaning for me today, but I did have the urge to clean out my kitchen drawers the day before yesterday. It felt good!!!!

    Are we still on for Stockbridge next week? I hope so. Email me time etc :) The rest of that week will involve decorating for me, so seeing you will be extra good :)

    Good luck with your printing!


  2. Imbolc blessings to you, Fiona! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  3. wow I've just learnt something new.. thanks :)
