Saturday, 21 August 2010

Apple picking time

My apple trees have shown an abundance of fruit this year - I'm not sure whether its to do with the lovely hot weather we had in June which made them think we were going to have a summer (what a joke!) or the fact that I pruned them last year after some expert instruction. Whatever the reason - they are showing lovely big juicy apples. Its coming up to my favourite time of year - when the house is going to smell of baking, chutney making - cider and anything else I can think of to pickle or preserve.

One of my favourite books for apples is called The Apple Source Book by Sue Clifford & Angela King, which is a wealth of information for everything to do with apples. I never realised how many varieties they are- sadly I don't know what make my apples are - I have one cooking apple tree which I presume is bramleys and two eating apple trees.

As well as loads of information about apples it also gives recipes and this is their Dorset Apple Cake - scrummy! As requested - here's the recipe - and it is yummy - even hubby says so and he doesn't like cake!
8 oz flour
2 oz butter
2 oz lard
1lb cooking apples, peeled, cored and chopped
4 oz sugar ( I used demerara)
1 egg
2 teaspoons baking powder
a little milk
mix all ingredients and bake in a greased and base lined cake tin ( I used a spring loaded and didn't line it and it was fine) about 8 in across and 1 1.2 in deep for 45 minutes in an oven preheated to 180C, 350F gas mark 4
Sorry for all the imperial - I still don't use grams! But can convert if you need me to


  1. Hi Fiona

    Lucky you :)

    I miss our apple and plum tree from our old garden.... but please could I have that recipe when we meet up. That cake looks yummy!!!!!

    I love making cakes and haven't got a great recipe for apple cake!


  2. Thank you Fiona

    I will make that tomorrow.... we LOVE cake!

    Yes, lets meet up and craft!!!!

    ps and lets have tea and cake too :)

  3. ps and I love your new blog background!

  4. ooooh Fi, yummy looking cake!
    thanks for the recipe, will deffo try that :)
    we have a damson tree in our garden but I rarely do anything with the fruit, silly of me really.

  5. This cake does indeed look yum-scrum - I'm going to have to make it!

  6. I wish we had that many apples! Actually I wish we had any apples. We'll have to buy some this year.

    Our trees didn't bear fruit at all this year, and our other trees/fruits/veggies aren't near as abundant as they were last year. Part is due to the odd weather we've had, and part might be due to the bee situation. We've always had lots of bees in our area when other people have said they have none. This year we've had quite a bit less of them than usual.
