Monday, 21 June 2010


We're up to T on the inchy alphabet challenge - my T is for Tower - the Eiffel Tower - I was last in paris 24 years ago when hubby took me for a suprise weekend for our 1st Wedding Anniversary - I can't believe its 25 years this year - where does the time go?

I'm having strange phenomena at home at the moment with all things electrical going bang - my computer went last week - my mobile phone went yesterday- the DAB radio wouldn't tune this morning - makes me wonder just who is coming to visit me.......


  1. oooh... you gave me goosebumps then!!! Is that what it means then a visitor? (other than huge expense!).

    My camera is still not working... grr!

    Have you planted the seed about visiting Paris for your 25th then???

    Will email you about Friday - hope you are still ok to go out!


  2. Love this! I haven't made an inchy in quite some time. I guess I need to make a few.

  3. Hi Fiona,
    First, I just want to say that I love your name--it's so beautiful! AND I love you art!

    2 months ago with 2 weeks, I lost 3 printers, 3 phones, and 3 computers---with no apparent reason! It was so crazy...and expensive! The worst part was that when my brand-new phone completely stopped working, my husband and I were out of town a thousand miles away...ALL of my phone numbers were in it! (AND, my best friend was getting married in Calif. and I couldn't even call her to say "congratulations" before the wedding...that was when I was really panicked...
    So, I don't know what this "electrical" thing means but I couldn't wait for it to pass! lol
